Duemila Voci
Duemila Voci is the set of contemporary art projects signed by Francesca Grosso starting from 2018, with the technique of the Artistic Calligram and the Artistic-Social Calligram. The written word becomes a multifaceted resource that crosses the fields of linguistics and visual art at the same time. Series of works made of words, made from poetic or literary texts, interviews or collections of collective testimonies on sensitive themes and selected topics; or even works made with texts written by the artist .
Writing, in free form, does not reflect the models of calligraphy but rather develops as a pictorial material like inks and pens: as a means of communicating the image. The form given to the words follows at the same time the meaning and the general character of the collected text.
This is how iSocial-Artistic-Calligrams: works composed of the stories, testimonies, thoughts, dreams of several people on the same topic. Intimate experiences collected in a pictorial writing free from calligraphic canons .
The long time of writing becomes a symbol of attention, dedication, listening and participation. Questions, language games, words, books, expression and sharing become a form of resistance against the violent advance of hyper-information. Images made of words against injustice and discrimination. To stimulate free thinking and creativity.
Among the topics addressed: gender equality and women's rights, hyper-information and the use of new technologies, generational awareness and youth power, the fight against mafias, disarmament, war, freedom of expression , ecology, migrations, cultural dissemination.
During online or live events and performances, the artist aims for an artistic unicum between music, literary texts, visual art, theater, cognitive stimulation through questions and participatory art.

La Voce dei 2000
Between 2018 and 2019 the first portraits of words and the first project of social calligrams are born: La Voce Dei 2000. The artist collects about 250 interviews: 250 young people, born in 2000, from all regions of Italy answer 17 open questions, have their say on the world, on the meaning of diversity, new technologies, their own perception of love, of expectation, fear, power and freedom, on the sense of diversity and otherness - they imagine an ideal world and propose new ways of inventing it. With the words of the boys Francesca Grosso has created a series of single and choral calligrams .
In hyper-information and in the absorption of new technologies, the voice and potential of boys and girls is often blocked, unmotivated, suffocated and diminished. Through the project, it was important to create an imaginary space for sharing and listening: a blank sheet without judgment, without votes, in which young people expressed themselves freely, imagining that they were speaking to the whole world. A stimulus to rediscover the importance of generational awareness, the strength of ideas and intentions, the possibility of cultivating one's own free thought, to imagine a better world.
Portraits of Words
Portraits made with literary texts of various kinds, faces of men and women who have contributed with their actions, with their suffering, with their writings, with art, with culture and with the daily commitment to make the world a better place. Portraits made on commission with texts and literary researches chosen by the artist or the client.
1) Gianni Rodari - Grammar of Fantasy. 2) Various works 3) The Portrait of Words in support of Patrick Zaki's liberation campaign carried out by the InOltre Alternative Progressive Association. Rai3 The words of the week.
Voci dalla Quarantena
Collection of texts through social media, thoughts, poems, ideas, impressions, dreams, hopes, outbursts of people from all parts of Italy during the first period of collective isolation. 55 tables were made for this project.
L'Urlo Di Penelope
Each board represents a scream made up of words. Each scream is an expression of groups of people that history has often ghettoized into arbitrary definitions and categories or who in any case have been discriminated against, victims of violence or simply silenced, unheard.
Penelope is an epic symbol, a very high example of marital fidelity, an angel of the hearth whose life, told by someone else's words, exists in total function of someone else. She waits for Ulysses for twenty years to then be abandoned again by her husband, she perfectly embodies the role of a creature subordinate to male superiority that can be disposed of as an object. If he could tell his own story, what would his voice have been? If history is the history of the powers that follow one another with violence, what is the voice of those who have lost or those who did not want to fight? How does the voice of those who live in hiding sound? Who is discriminated against, put in a cage, silenced? It would be a resounding Scream in every corner of the planet. A cry of layered centuries, of people who for reasons of power have never been able to speak and speak to each other. Lots of free and regenerative screams, strong enough to recreate a Big Bang.
Two thousand rumors about love
Works made with poems and classic texts that deal with the theme of love in all its meanings.
Sense sentences Computer
Reflect on the words. Collective poetic exercise. Online column on word games, to unleash the imagination starting from poor words of poetic sense. Each week a word taken from technical, mechanical, bureaucratic, military or fiscal lexical registers was proposed on the instagram page @duemilavoci. The game was to find new poetic phrases for several voices, even apparently meaningless, to give color and irony to the words we don't like. A choral calligram for each gray word, from which infinite sentences of computer sense can be born.

1)Identification (2020). The question was: Have you ever thought about what you would do if you were forced to flee? Where would you seek shelter? _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
2)Hug (2019). The question was: What does love mean to you? _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
3)Freedom (2020). The question was: what should the world be like in order for you to feel like a free person?